Shipping Agents

What is a shipping company & who is a shipping agent?

While at the port, a shipping company looks after the interests of the major shipping lines and their ships.

The responsibility of a shipping agent includes arranging for port ship pilotage, towage, and berthing, organizing lading and freight collection bills. He is also responsible for taking the shipping liner company into the country or region covered by it and receives a commission accordingly.

Two types of shipping agents are primarily involved in the industry:
1. Liner ship agent
2. Tramp ship agent's.

Liner agents primarily serve various liner ship heads (container vessels) operating at pre-determined, scheduled, advertised loading ports and discharged regularly.

Tramp shipping agents are not going to have any principal to bond with. Usually, on a job-to-job basis, these agents handle the unplanned freight carriers chartered for the unique voyage. In general, the tramp shipping agent does the job for many shipping companies, and the length of the job can vary from single to continuous employment.

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